Monday, December 9, 2013

My Rhapsody Adventure

For the past several months, I have been mercilessly plugging away at several projects, and it is unfortunate that I have been remiss in not sharing them.  Much of it has to do with regaining access to my Mac laptop.  As you may know, I have four children, three girls who would spend every waking moment on Minecraft if I let them.  I don't, but it feels like a monumental effort to reclaim my laptop, reorient myself, load up pictures (assuming I can find the cords), and begin posting.  And usually, by that time, my youngest has requested juice or snacks or the opportunity to sit on my lap and simply observe.

Now that I have the briefest of moments . . . Sometime in August, I acquiesed and began working on a Rhapsody quilt.  If you are unaware of the Rhapsody quilt, then by all means google that along with Ricky Tims.  Some of the quilts are pretty amazing, and I knew that, by starting one, it would take a long time.  My quilt has been no exception. 

Yesterday, I completed a large portion of the center.  I had compiled a series of pictures to document my progress, but, of course, I am now having difficulty uploading and arranging pictures in any coherent manner. So, here I present the following:

It almost feels like a miracle that I have come this far.  This project combines my love of the blanket stitch, variegated thread, and curved piecing, but it is best taken in moderation.  

The quilt is still far from done, but I can't wait to see how she unfolds. 

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