Friday, January 21, 2011

Ottobre - where have you been for most of my life?

I'm ashamed to admit that I have not tried Ottobre patterns until yesterday.  Where have I been?  Huh.  In the past year, I have expanded to using other patterns outside of McCalls, Butterick, and Simplicity (and the occasional Vogue - who I am kidding, fashionista I'm not, but I hope to change that).  I like the designs from Oliver + S and Lyla and Ben, and I was able to subscribe to Ottobre and Burdastyle. 

Tracing seems always seem like a pain in the ass though.  Many years ago, Burda had patterns without seam allowances, and that was my limit.  F that (as in forget that :P).  Of course, with age, I'm suppose to have acquired a certain sense of patience, temperance, and maturity.  Ok, it means I have to stop being lazy if I want to make some really cool stuff.

Hence, the following Ottobre is what I have must.  Mostly because it has the overalls.  And I looooove overalls.  For kids, that is, and babies.  My baby, in particular.
Ottobre Design Kids Fashion - 2010/1 SpringOttobre Design Kids Fashion - 2010/1 Spring - Click Image to Close

Last week, I woke up early and traced out my first Ottobre pattern.  Before anyone was up, post-coffee, and with my usual sewing accoutrements - Trangle and Speck (or Speck-a-roo as JJ likes to call her).  We'll see how it goes.
More recently, I have been getting into Tunisian crochet, double-ended crochet, crochet in the round, crochetnit, etc.  Whatever.  I tried it once around 1998 - can't believe I remember that.  It was sort of . . . meh.  But I have been seeing more patterns using this technique.  Whether that's because I'm finally paying attention or it has reemerged. Who cares, I guess.  Count me in..

I tried a color combination of brown, orange, and tan.  Yeah, I know, but I like it.  A bit reminiscent of the 70s.  Although I basically grew up in the 80s, I spent some time in the 70s, and, as SFR pointed out one time, I enjoy 70s music.  And I'm very partial to the granny square.  I'm absolutely convinced that the granny square vest CAN be revived!  (Once again, further proof that I'm no fashionista...hehe).

In quilting news, the Tucson Quilt Fiesta is here once again.  Sadly, I let my membership with the Tucson Quilter's Guild lapse - between the baby and work, it wasn't easy getting to meetings - so no volunteering or free admissions.  I am taking off work early today to check it out though.  The quilts should be pretty amazing, and its always inspiring!

Other upcoming events in the next month: the sewing and craft festival in Phoenix and, of course, the gem show!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Biz-e month

I didn't get another charger for my camera, but I figured I might as well use my camera phone. Hope the pictures come out all right.

Boy. January was a busy, crafty month for me. I decided to go through my UFO's and finish a few of them. Naturally, I had to throw in some new projects as well.

I crocheted these Warm Willies Fingerless gloves for work. My office gets a bit cold, and, since all I do is write at a computer, I wanted something to warm up my fingers.

I have to admit that they are a bit plain. The pattern is suppose to have a band across the back of the hand, but I decided not to sew it on. I think it needs a ruffled edge or maybe some beads. Hmm. . .

My next project is something I was really excited about. I mentioned that I used Crocheted Posey Purse pattern from Red Heart. Instead of the round handles, I used oval, and I omitted the crochet flower. I dunno why - :/.

The lining was purchased at Jo-Ann's with the intent of making another purse from the One-yard Wonders book. I thought the green with hints of purple was perfect for this bag.

This bag came together so quickly. I was just a crocheting fool at every moment I could get. I even crocheted while I had lunch with SFR, and that almost never happens. Ahem.

Onto the sewing . . .

I'm not much into New Year's resolutions, but I guess along with the new year I do feel a certain compulsion to reflect upon the past year and to feel some motivation to change. With that, I'd like to make more clothes for the kids, especially Em.

This is McCalls 6235 ,view D, size medium. Finished! The snaps weren't too difficult, but I did notice that there is a wide opening in the crotch area even though I followed the snap placement on the pattern.

I will have to add more around that area so it isn't gaping open. I sort of knew it would happen, but I just wanted to get this done without further delay.

It looks cute on Em. All this rush though, and it still a bit big on her. I'm not sure whether I will make this again though. Next time, I might omit the footed portion. I'll probably try out the other garments, too.

Next, is a pair of pants from Kwik Sew's Sewing for Baby. These were quick! I churned them out in probably less than an hour, cutting included. I serged the inside, and I used narrow binding for the hem to ensure a nice finish, especially when washing.

I plan to make a matching top, and I'd like to add some ruffles or lace to make it more "girly." The fabric came from a thrift store, but it was cheap and soft, so . . .

On a non-crafty note, I'm feeling a little . . .well, drab today. Hence, the rather weak post in terms of wittiness. The past few days here in Tucson have been somber with the recent shootings. Our community is rather devastated, and, while I haven't lived here in Tucson long, I have always been connected with and loved Arizona. Its such a sad thing, and I guess I'm sad, too.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Still here. . .

Still not successful in locating my battery charger. :( BUT, I have been extremely crafty lately. In fact, I have been completing a lot of UFOs! Most of it has been knitting and crocheting with some sewing here and there.

Just yesterday, I sewed in the lining in this great bag that I crocheted using this pattern: I absolutely love it.

I have been spending a lot more time in the sewing room, so I'm looking forward to showing you a lot of pictures soon! Happy New Year!