I have been knitting here and there, but I'm jonesing to sew. A quilt block, to be exact. Something about sewing two pieces of fabric together satiates what seems like a primitive feeling inside of me. The soft roar of my sewing machine, the gentle push of fabric between the feed dogs and presser foot, and the concentration of making sure that I make that quarter inch seam.
So. After work yesterday, I rushed to the grocery store, returned home, discovered that the little one was napping, and proceeded to take advantage of whatever desperate minutes that remained before I was interrupted.
Sorry about the sideways pic. I tried to fix it but to no avail.
For whatever reason, I could not get the upper left corner of the center square to match up. I ripped it apart at least three times, but I couldn't get it to match. Bother. I did get the time to feed my addiction though, so I'm ok now. Ahem.